Here’s a quick and easy recipe for a Nesquik cake using ready-made dough. This is a delightful treat for those with a sweet tooth.


  • 1 sheet of ready-made puff pastry
  • 1/2 cup Nesquik powder
  • 1/4 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/4 cup melted butter
  • Powdered sugar for dusting (optional)


  1. Preheat the Oven:
    • Preheat your oven according to the instructions on the ready-made puff pastry package.
  2. Prepare the Nesquik Mixture:
    • In a bowl, combine Nesquik powder and sugar. Adjust the sugar quantity based on your sweetness preference.
  3. Roll Out the Puff Pastry:
    • Roll out the ready-made puff pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface. You can use a rolling pin to smooth it out and shape it to your liking.
  4. Brush with Melted Butter:
    • Brush the entire surface of the puff pastry with melted butter. This adds a rich flavor to the cake.
  5. Sprinkle with Nesquik Mixture:
    • Evenly sprinkle the Nesquik and sugar mixture over the buttered puff pastry.
  6. Roll and Cut:
    • Starting from one end, carefully roll the puff pastry into a log or cylinder.
    • Cut the rolled pastry into slices, about 1 inch wide.
  7. Bake:
    • Place the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
    • Bake in the preheated oven according to the puff pastry package instructions or until the slices are golden brown and puffed up.
  8. Cool and Dust with Powdered Sugar (Optional):
    • Allow the Nesquik cake slices to cool slightly before serving.
    • Optional: Dust with powdered sugar for a finishing touch.

This quick Nesquik cake is a delicious and simple treat that’s perfect for satisfying sweet cravings. Enjoy it with a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage!

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