Growing sweet potatoes in soil bags is a convenient and effective way to cultivate this nutritious vegetable, especially if you have limited garden space. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Materials Needed:

  1. Soil Bags: Sturdy, breathable fabric or plastic bags.
  2. Sweet Potato Slips: Sprouted sweet potato plants.
  3. Potting Mix: A well-draining, nutrient-rich mix.
  4. Fertilizer: Balanced or high-phosphorus fertilizer.
  5. Watering Can: For consistent watering.
  6. Mulch: To help retain moisture.


1. Preparing the Soil Bags:

  • Select Bags: Choose soil bags that are at least 20 gallons in size. Ensure they have good drainage holes.
  • Fill with Potting Mix: Fill the bags with a high-quality potting mix, leaving about 4-6 inches of space at the top. Mix in a balanced fertilizer as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Planting the Slips:

  • Prepare the Slips: Ensure the sweet potato slips are healthy and have roots.
  • Plant the Slips: Make holes in the soil about 4 inches deep and 12 inches apart. Insert the slips into the holes and cover the roots with soil, leaving the leaves above the surface.

3. Placement and Sunlight:

  • Choose a Sunny Spot: Place the soil bags in a location that receives full sun (at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily).

4. Watering:

  • Keep Soil Moist: Water the soil bags thoroughly after planting. Maintain consistent moisture throughout the growing season but avoid waterlogging. Sweet potatoes prefer slightly dry conditions once established.

5. Mulching:

  • Apply Mulch: Add a layer of mulch on top of the soil to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

6. Fertilizing:

  • Regular Feeding: Feed the plants with a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package.

7. Monitoring Growth:

  • Check for Pests and Diseases: Regularly inspect the plants for any signs of pests or diseases. Treat any issues promptly using appropriate organic or chemical treatments.
  • Support Vines: Sweet potato vines can grow quite long. Provide support if needed to keep them manageable.

8. Harvesting:

  • Harvest Time: Sweet potatoes are typically ready to harvest 90-120 days after planting. The leaves will start to yellow and die back when they are ready.
  • Digging Up Tubers: Carefully dig into the soil bags and gently remove the sweet potatoes. Be cautious to avoid damaging the tubers.

9. Curing and Storage:

  • Cure the Tubers: Place the harvested sweet potatoes in a warm, humid area (85°F and 90% humidity) for 10-14 days to cure.
  • Store Properly: After curing, store the sweet potatoes in a cool, dark place (55-60°F) with good ventilation.


  • Rotate Crops: Avoid planting sweet potatoes in the same soil bags year after year to prevent soil-borne diseases.
  • Companion Planting: Consider planting beans or other nitrogen-fixing plants nearby to enhance soil fertility.

By following these steps, you can successfully grow sweet potatoes in soil bags and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

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