Here’s a simple recipe for making a delicious banana milkshake at home:


  • 2 ripe bananas (peeled and sliced)
  • 2 cups of milk (you can use any type of milk you prefer)
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (adjust according to your taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional)
  • Ice cubes (optional, for a colder milkshake)
  • Whipped cream (optional, for topping)
  • Sliced bananas or a sprinkle of cinnamon (optional, for garnish)


  1. Start by adding the sliced bananas, milk, sugar, and vanilla extract (if using) to a blender.
  2. If you prefer a colder milkshake, you can also add a handful of ice cubes at this stage.
  3. Blend everything together until smooth and creamy. Make sure there are no large banana chunks left.
  4. Taste the milkshake and adjust the sweetness if necessary by adding more sugar.
  5. Once you’re satisfied with the taste and consistency, pour the milkshake into glasses.
  6. If desired, top each glass with a dollop of whipped cream.
  7. Garnish with sliced bananas or a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra touch.
  8. Serve immediately and enjoy your homemade banana milkshake!

Feel free to customize this recipe by adding other ingredients like a tablespoon of peanut butter for a banana peanut butter milkshake or a handful of strawberries for a banana strawberry milkshake. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors!

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