There are a few foods that are traditionally believed to be incompatible with honey, which can cause stomach issues or other health problems:

  1. Ghee (Clarified Butter): In Ayurveda, mixing honey and ghee in equal quantities is considered toxic and can create harmful substances in the body, potentially leading to digestive issues.
  2. Radishes: Combining honey with radishes is said to produce toxic substances, which can result in digestive discomfort.
  3. Hot Water or Hot Food: Heating honey or mixing it with very hot substances can create toxins that may lead to indigestion and other health issues according to some traditional beliefs.
  4. Fermented Foods: Combining honey with fermented foods like yogurt or pickles might cause an imbalance in gut bacteria, leading to digestive discomfort.
  5. Fish: Some traditional practices advise against combining honey with fish, as it is thought to create an imbalance in the body’s natural processes, potentially leading to stomach problems.

These beliefs are primarily rooted in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda. While some modern scientific evidence may not fully support these claims, it’s still a good idea to be mindful of these combinations if you notice any adverse reactions.

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